My quotes

  • Good people with goody mind fascinate me. Either of the two!..can captivate to some extent. Neither of the two!!..irritate my nerves
  • Clocks slay time and times slay jovial moments.......
  • Cheerful moment passes so fast and seems like it ceases in the blink of eyes but when moments are boring 'a minute' behaves like eras of pathos....
  • **Keep mind fresh**Take influx of new ideas every day and drain off junks of yesterdays..
  • If I've curiosity for knowing/doing something, I make haste in doing so....Else just drag my feet over the likes & interests are governin' me well..!
  • Never always have a contented mind even if one seems to be happy all the time…..wonder why this happens!!! Might be U haven’t had enough of everything hitherto.. Crave for perpetual contentment or want to endeavour to achieve more
  • Neglecting my own personal work saying...‘Don’t have time’ is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to mend laziness…So, my target is to shun sluggishness & quicken the unresolved tasks
  • PEOPLE see things the way THEY are…and the 'things' people look at change the way 'they' are…
  • ‎**Bliss and Blues**are hues of life..Whateva!! keep ur kool and tap ur feet to the rhythm of living....:)
  • Imagining of a summer break camping out in a colder place...though, slugging away in searing temperature…Well!! Variety is spice of life
  • Uff!!! 'Work' - Let me get down to brass tacks
  • Waiting for tomorrow wholeheartedly…... Until today is done I belong here…Just waitin for tomorrow, biding my time here....Work awhile…......and some good old memories flashing by..... distracted with obligation of the tasks...turn back 2 my work, thinking, "I wish I cud go back......"
  • Wanna go home :( wherever you go and create a home away from home…all you are wanting to ---> is to get back to your real comfort, much sweeter, the most enduring and Supremely blest abode on this earth..Nothin' surpasses SweeT HomE
  • Clock is ticking towards a bright New Year…..Everyone!!! Just say a fond goodbye to 2o1o...and EnJoY New Year 2011 welcome BASH!!! ;)
  • moving in a turtle speed train, i say its rather a bullock cart :), delayed by 10hr...havin tea and snacks all the way with music on...At Maunath Bhanjan (the place i hav never visited before) met new frnz, new colleagues... good workin atmosphere.... & all warm experiences i carried back home!!!...In short, my life is good 
  • Research, re-search and re-search!!! Research is what you don't understand what in actual you're doing....It's poking and prying with the things which people has searched ;)...Nothing is more perturbing than this re-search..
  • Since yesternight my chunk of genes got me an appetite for hot hot Chak-hao (aromatic black rice) and kheer!!! Anyone, organizing any feast with THIS as a delicacy???
  • Monday, regarded as an auspicious day, ppl are on absolute 'fasting'...I, on the other hand, not abstaining from food rather abstaining from last two days great, great slumber!!!!
  • My sista is with me now after a long..long time...Aahhhh!!!! that vacant slot of glee hitherto gonna get revived :) Yee-Ho!!!
  • Tomorrow's gonna be a hectic day for meh!!! ---- Plethora of obligatory chores
  • I wonder why my dayyss are significantly borin...hell!!! how to slam dunk the FUNK!!!
  • Monday BONANZA: blindfold to fun and frolic, Get back to work!!! i know it's hard and it hurts..:(
  • When I was a child I loved Maths. During my teens, I loved Life Sciences. As I grew older, I started loving evrythin...So i took up Bioinformatics PARANTU !!!! I end up wth nothin...:( This Bioinformatics "rack my brains" & "wreck my whole system".....However, I still love my subject :) So, iss pyar...... ko mein kya naam doonnnn?????
  • Need to watch a good movie to break free from obsession with worrying thoughts..!
  • At times, fb is also kinda mind-Numbing tedium that having been refreshed the page over and over again you still find no updates. No HAP’ningss! No fun
  • luvs "when it feels so fresh! When u feel the air..when u sense fresh breeze of tender green leafs coupled with an aura of strong hot coffee..Its like u are all set to flee from bondage"...Damn!! Why am i so whimsical in the midst of 'this statistical analysis' part at my working desk..
  • Ohh!! Just give me a break..Can't stand working out the same thing everyday..Entity should be different..
  • rarely finds people of parallel vibes.....Its my strength to hold no ill will towards anyone & my feebleness to get along with few people...
  • Tanned skin, squinting eyes, scorching sunbeam, one’s willpower & energy seem to fizzle out..Hot, Hot SiZZling summer! There's no way ignoring summer time...!
  • luvs to stay indoors entirely…loathes outside environment coz its kinda offbeat owing to heat...Its awful..Godspeed everyone!