TORBOT is local name of Benincasa hispida (Thoxb) Cogn.
Ash gourd, also known as white gourd or wax gourd is an annual, hairy,
creeping herb. Its fruit is very large, eaten as a vegetable when mature. It is
eaten simply as boiled food ‘champut’ or steamed. Ash gourd is known for its medicinal values and healing power. Being low
in calories, it is ideal for diabetic patients, and those seeking
weight-control. The cooling
purgative herb boosts secretion and disposal of urine. Therefore it acts as a
good detoxifying agent too. It is beneficial for curing peptic ulcer. It provides good relief from constipation, acts as a blood coagulant, body
coolant and reduces body heat. It helps in controlling common cold, cough,
fever, sinusitis, bronchitis, influenza and more, without any side effects. It
can also be of much relief to chronic asthma patients.
Benincasa hispida |
LOKLEI: Rhizome of The White ginger lily (Hedychium
coronarium) which is called takhellei angouba in Manipuri. It belongs to family, Zingiberaceae. Fresh
rhizomes of H. coronarium is used in
culinary. It is preferred in ethnic dish of Manipur called ‘Tharoi-thongba’ and
widely used as an important ingredient in ‘yongchak-aloo eromba’. The rhizome
of H. coronarium is used in headache, lancinating pain, contusion inflammatory.
It is used as a febrifuge, tonic, excitant, and anti-rheumatic.
Hedychium coronarium